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Hunting & Bounty Wagon

Rockstar, you need to fix the call function for these wagons. It’s absolutely terrible. If I am on a road that wagon should come straight...

Moonshine payouts bugged

Sell perfect condition moonshine load, no matter if 1,2,or 3 star, or the strength of the moon shine, I only get 40 dollars every time....

Twitch rewards/character restart

Ok, so im tired of being a female character. i have tired contacting support and they just gave me the basic “twitch rewards not showing”...

since 2020/02/09 continuously crashes

after a long time of rockstar-server offlines today. the game crashes unexpectly after 5 minutes of playing. I m using a RTX 2080S and its...

Store unavailable in RDR2 online

Whenever I try to open the Gold Bar store in RDR2 online for PC, I get “Currently unavailable error 7000.163″does this mean the store is...