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Recent questions

Twitch Prime Not Claiming Loot??

I’ve been trying to claim RDO and GTA loot for maybe a month and nothing happens despite me being able to claim other game’s loot...

Even the message board is bugged.

I have just about given up on Rockstar – 100%.   I just spent a very long time describing my issues and the I am greeted...

Horse teleport How Fix

i was in camp i went to open a coletors map to start the mission i then jumped on my horse and was then teleported...

(Selling moonshine and No money payout)

Im paying 50$ to start moonshine production, I’m using my ingredients to flavour the moonshine, I’m waiting 48 minutes so I can sell the moonshine...

Crashes. Can’t do any bounty…

Can’t do any bounty hunter missions, whence I deliver a fugitive game crashes right in front of sheriff’s house. fix the game!!! Became unplayable right...