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Freezes on i5 6500

It freezes every seconds or minutes and in online too and kicks me from the mission or lobby please help or FIX IT R*...

Banni pour un glitch

Bonjour j’ai étai banni de manière totalement aléatoire pour avoir fait un glitch vue que votre jeu et tellement optimisé et un ban comme sa...

Can’t access Red Dead online

I keep getting error codes over and over saying that I’ve been disconnected from red dead online due to a fault on Rockstar game services...

i keep getting error code 27140000

i keep getting error code 27140000 when im trying to join my friend, my friend got the exact Same error and got no clue on...

Donate glitch in RDR

So today I was suspended 30 days and my character deleted because someone in my temporary posse used the infinity donate glitch to level up...