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Failed to reconnect to all network drives

Good day experts! Someone heard something about the error “Failed to reconnect to all network drives.” It crashes every time I boot up the operating...

Error 0x80080204! What to do?

Error 0x80080204 appears when updating some apps through the Microsoft Store. For example, when updating myTube, the following message is shown: Error code 0x80080204 –...

Apex Legends Mobile error 561

Hello! Can’t even install Apex Legends Mobile from Play Market. Error 561 appears every time. Any solution? Solution Good afternoon! The developer himself describes an...

Error 214 in Apex Legends Mobile

I can’t enter the game, every time a message appears with error 214. It seems to be a network error, but no manipulations help. Any...

Error 10001 Rostelecom (Wink)

Hello! I get a message on my TV: “Make sure the set-top box is connected to the network equipment. Error code 10001”. I didn’t touch...