Crackdown 3 will be released before Christmas 2017


Crackdown 3 was delayed until 2017-year in June, but during the stream of Microsoft Game Studios, disney-Director Clint Bardok, Art Director Dave Johnson, and Executive producer Peter Connelly mentioned a few interesting details.

First, the Studio aims to release Crackdown 3 “before” the start of a holiday weekend at the end of 2017. Secondly, the developers said that the game will support 4K on Project Scorpio.

Given that Project Scorpio will appear for the holidays next year, it means that the game will appear before the console will be released.

Crackdown 3 was announced at E3 2014 and is being developed with emphasis on high level of degradability. Considering that the release in less than a year, we will be able to see it for yourself.

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