With the next update of Heroes of the Storm the game will be Valira


Blizzard told the truth when he said that the new heroes in Heroes of the Storm will appear with enviable frequency. Less than three weeks since the advent of HotS Zul gin, as the developers have provided a Valeera, Sanguinar.

Although, it is worth noting that the teaser appeared last week, but today Blizzard released another trailer for “in development”, where he shows the appearance of a young elf blood.

It is possible for someone Valira will be another “pain in the ass,” as it is “killer” actively using “camouflage” and simply becomes “invisible” on the battlefield. Although the players played a large amount of time in Starcraft II or Heroes of the Storm, you see these “invisible” characters.

About the capabilities of the Valira, and that made Blizzard look in the new trailer.

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