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Help with KTJ MG Error 1092040

Hello! I have already tried many times, and each time unsuccessfully, to buy train tickets in Kazakhstan. KTJ MG Error 1092040 appears all the time...

Error 8012 in Dead by Daylight

Hello, I’m being haunted by error code 8012 in Dead by Daylight. I go to play, connect to the game and soon kicks. This is...

Why can’t I log in to the Services?

Hello! No matter how much I try, I can not go to the State Services. The login information is incorrect. I seem to be entering...

Unable to contact reCAPTCHA service on Steam

My error looks like this: “Unable to contact the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and try again.” Obviously, there is a network connection,...

How to fix BSOD 0x0000003d?

Hello! I’m having a BSOD with code 0x0000003d. This started showing up after I replaced the chip on my budget (rather old) computer. I can’t...

Why “end of file reached”?

I’m trying to update my Windows, but something keeps getting in the way. Each time he writes that “the end of the file has been...