Error Code 0x803fb107 Microsoft Store – How Fixed It

Error 0x803fb107 occurs in the Microsoft Store when trying to download and install a game. For reasons unknown to us, Forza Horizon 3, 4, 5, Shadow of War, Minecraft and Gears of War 4 players are most often affected. However, other games are also affected by the problem. Unfortunately, the error is poorly investigated, and technical experts keep silent or advise banal and sometimes absurd solutions, such as contacting laptop manufacturers. Both owners of Xbox and gaming computers are at risk.

How to fix error 0x803fb107?

In some cases, the error is temporary and goes away by itself. For example, after restarting the system. Also, a similar error can appear if there is not enough space on the target disk. However, in most cases, the problem is related to Microsoft user data. Some files are damaged, and the system cannot work normally with the Microsoft Store and download applications from there. It is noticed that the error mainly appears when downloading games with a large weight (about 100 GB).

What to do:

  • Relogin to your Microsoft account. That is, you just need to log out of it, and then log in again.
  • Start installation from another device. If you sign in to the Microsoft Store, click Install, select Install to Your Devices, and run the installation on the target PC, the installation may succeed.
  • Create a new Windows account. Having generated a profile for a new user, the error should go away. Most of the time this is the solution. For some, after switching back, the problem goes away, for others it doesn’t and you have to play only through a new profile.

0x803fb107 Microsoft Store

  • Reinstall Windows. It always helps, but it’s up to you to decide how expedient it is.

To sum up, in most cases error 0x803fb107 when installing Forza Horizon, Minecraft and other games from the Microsoft Store causes Microsoft user data to become corrupted. One of the procedures to restore these files usually works. We hope that you will write about the results of the procedures performed in the comments.

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