How to fix Windows Defender error code 0x8e5e021f?

Today, we will face error 0x8e5e021f, which may appear while using Windows Defender. Windows Defender is an antivirus software developed by Microsoft. Previously, Windows users had to download Microsoft Security Essentials, a separate package of antivirus tools, but it was replaced by the Defender built into Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Unfortunately, Windows Defender sometimes can not start automatically and produce various errors with this, including error 0x8e5e021f. It may refuse to open, even if you try to do this through the Notification Center.

The cause of the error 0x8e5e021f may be corrupted registry entries, virus infection, conflict with another antivirus program and other similar problems. The exact cause of the error differs from case to case, so that it is difficult to determine anything precisely. However, by following a number of specific methods, you will be able to correct this problem. We will just talk about a number of methods further.

Methods for solving the error 0x8e5e021f

Before we begin to consider the available methods for the error 0x8e5e021f, it is recommended that you try to perform some actions. Try restarting your computer, since this error can be just a single failure in the system.

We also recommend that you check your Windows 10 for viruses using any antivirus that is available to you. Since the system Windows Defender is currently experiencing difficulties with the error 0x8e5e021f on your machine, you will have to use some third-party antivirus, unfortunately.

However, if you already have a third-party antivirus in the system, then it can cause the error. Third-party solutions can often enter conflicts with Windows Defender. Try to remove a third-party antivirus or other security software, and then check for the error 0x8e5e021f by running Windows Defender.

Method # 1 Restart the Windows Defender Security Center service

If the above tips did not help you in solving the error 0x8e5e021f, then let’s move on to methods that will definitely solve the problem. The first method is to restart the Windows Defender Security Center service.

This service is very important for the operation of Windows Defender and, therefore, if it does not work correctly, there may be some problems. Error 0x8e5e021f could be one of these problems. Solve problems with this service by simply restarting it.

Press the Windows + R key combination to start the system utility Run. As soon as the utility window appears, enter the services.msc utility in the empty line and press Enter. Before you open the window of the Service. Locate the service called “Windows Defender Security Center Service” in the list.

Right-click on this service and select Properties. If you see that the service is stopped, click on the “Run” button. If it works, click “Stop” and then “Run” to restart the Windows Defender Security Center service.

After completing this simple procedure, try running Windows Defender again and check for the error 0x8e5e021f. If it is still present, then let’s move on to the next method.

Method # 2: Deleting conflicting entries in the Registry

Windows Defender can stop running on your system and issue a 0x8e5e021f error because there are conflicting entries in the Windows Registry on your system. Now we will try to fix this problem.

First of all, you need to open the Windows Registry Editor to start. To do this, press Win + R and type in the blank line regedit or regedit.exe, and then press Enter. After opening the Windows Registry Editor window using the left panel, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Option.

In this section, look for references to the executable files MSASCui.exe, MpCmdRun.exe or MsMpEng.exe. If you find them there, then right click on them and select “Delete”. If you could not find their mention in this section, then you do not need to do anything – the problem is definitely something else. Close the Windows Registry Editor and go to the next method.

Method # 3 Enabling Windows Defender through Group Policy

If you still see the error 0x8e5e021f when starting Windows Defender, then you can try another small method to solve this problem. Why not try to activate Windows Defender using Group Policy System?

So, you again need to open the Registry Editor on your computer. You can do this using the steps described in the previous method, in which we deleted the conflicting entries.

Well, the Registry Editor opened. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows Defender. Note the DisableAntiSpyware parameter. If you can not find this parameter, then you need to create it yourself with your own hands.

Click for it from the empty place with the right mouse button and select “New → DWORD (32-bit)”. Name this parameter DisableAntiSpyware. Then set this parameter to 0. Save the changes and close the Windows Registry Editor. And at last, restart your computer.

Again, try running Windows Defender and check for the error 0x8e5e021f – it will be resolved.

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