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Recent questions

can’t set up moonshiner

i went to start up the moonshiner role and when the woman gave me the map to place the location of my moonshine still it...

Temporary clothing in the catalog.

Hello guys! Hello Rockstar! For starters, I want to thank Rockstar for their great game and for the cool content that they add! It all started with...

How do I report a hacker/modder?

I was just playing most wanted and there was a player who wouldn’t die. Myself and others were shooting them with explosive rounds etc. They’re...

Unable to connect to Character Creator

Since the new winter update 12/20/2019 I went in to change the appearance of the character but the server will not connect resulting in a...

Collectible proximity sound

So i barely started the collector role and i noticed that the proximity sound doesn’t work properly. It works for cards and flowers but not...

I can’t find animals

Hello, we are facing problems with Red dead online. The problem is there are no animals. Very rarely we find it on the map. I...