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Error 0x00000001419101f1 in CoD: MW/Warzone

Good evening! My Call of Duty Warzone is not working correctly. 0x00000001419101f1 error appears after a couple of seconds every time I start it. First...

Why are apps not updating in IOS 16?

I updated my iPhone 13 to the new iOS 16 and ran into a problem – I can’t update applications through the App Store. Of...

How to remove BSDO DATA_BUS_ERROR?

My Windows 10 boots up with a DATA_BUS_ERROR error on a blue screen. I understand that this is a rare type of failure, since there...

Error 0x80049dd3 with voice input

The text-to-speech and speech-to-text function does not work. I’m trying to use this feature in Word, but without success. Is it a mistake on my...

How to fix error c3854bcc in NBA 2K23?

Some players have reported receiving error c3856bcc while playing NBA 2K23. This error may occur multiple times. One such case is a network connection issue....

Profile error in Microsoft Edge

There is some strange profile error in my Microsoft Edge. The message says: “Profile Error: Some features may not be available. Something went wrong”. Any...

volsnap.sys BSOD in Windows 10

I got a blue screen with a link to the volsnap.sys file after updating Windows 10. The system does not reach the desktop, which means...