What to do if Call of Duty WWII does not define additional monitors
If you are going to play Call of Duty WWII on a computer with several monitors and want to display an image for some particular one, but the game does not do it, there is an exit from this situation. You need to perform the following steps step-by-step:
- Go to steam> steamapps> common> call of duty ww2> players2
- Open the file user_config.cfg with wordpad
- Change the corresponding parameter to the serial number of the monitor on which you want to display the image. For example, your main monitor is number 1, so you need to write seta r_monitor “VS278 (1)” – it was initially set – seta r_monitor “VS278 (0)”.
- We recommend you first to create a backup file
- When you start the game, you also need to update the file in the cloud server, because steam displays a message about the mismatch between the local and cloud files. Accordingly, we load it into the cloud, restart ww2, and everything should be in order.
- To do this in windowed mode is easier, and then go to full screen and bingo, you wil play on the main screen.
Hopefully, the article has helped you solve your problem.