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Error Ntdll.dll when playing games

An error with Ntdll.dll file appears in some games. I don’t know what happened, I don’t seem to have changed anything in the system. Nevertheless,...

Death Stranding c0000005h fix

I’ve been playing Death Stranding, but it keeps crashing with error c0000005h. Sometimes the error appears during the gameplay itself, and sometimes when changing the...

Why Windows 11 Explorer is Slow? (FIXED)

My Windows 11 Explorer is slow! So slow that I can’t use my computer normally! Navigating through folders takes almost eternity. And sometimes Explorer freezes...

Error code R013 on Google Play

I tried to buy the game on Google Play, but the error R013 appeared. This is the first time I see a code like this....

Potion Craft stuck at loading screen

My Steam Potion Craft stuck at loading screen. I mean, like forever. No matter how many times I restarted the game, nothing helps. It just...

FIFA 23 crashing on PC – how to fix it?

FIFA 23 crashing on my computer! Already tried everything, but nothing works! Sometimes it works, sure, but then it crashes relentlessly. I bought it, installed...