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Disconnection Error 0x30005001

Disconnection Error 0x30005001 I get disconnected from online every hour without fail, sometimes twice or more an hour. The game is unplayable as I can’t...

0x99260000 error code

I tried reinstalling. Removing profile. Trying different networks. Clearing cache. Hard resetting this is still the message i get. I load red dead online… Click...

Error 0x20010006 WTF ROCKSTAR\

TWICE I’ve turned in complaints about losing hundreds of dollars and hours of grinding time because my game crashed with error 0x20010006 just as I...

start Trader career bug

When i try to start the trader career, after read the crips letter the golden mission marker does not appear on any emporium on the...

Gold bar purchase Xbox One

It’s been about 5 hours since I bought 25 gold bars from the red dead online store and it hasn’t come through. I’ve called, put...

Micro-transactions are going to be a problem…

To whom this may concern: Rockstar games is a dream factory that creates incredible, outstanding, over preforming games. Actually, that is and understatement, Rockstar Games...